Become a Trustee

Our Trustees

Our Trust Board, Committees & Local Committees are made up of individuals who want to utilise their professional skills and expertise to benefit the life outcomes of all young people our Trust comes into contact with.

Trustees are responsible for governing a charitable company and directing how it is managed and run. Trustees must also ensure that the trust complies with all legal and statutory requirements. Trustees should seek the advice of the Board’s Lead Governance Professional and other professional advice as appropriate.

​​Role purpose​

Trustees work together to fulfil the purpose of the Trust Board:

Strategic leadership

Defining the vision, fostering the trust’s culture and setting the strategy

Accountability and assurance

robust and effective oversight of trust operations and performance including: – The provision of education, pupil welfare, overseeing and ensuring appropriate use of funding, effective financial performance & keeping their estate safe and well maintained

Strategic engagement

Oversight of relationships with stakeholders, ensuring decision-making is supported by meaningful engagement 

The trust board’s strategic responsibilities

The Trust Board works closely with their senior executive leader. Senior executive leaders are responsible for day-to-day operational management of the trust and its schools, whereas the role of the board is strategic. As such, Trustees are responsible for: 

Monitoring and evaluating trust performance

Trustees must monitor the priorities that have been set to ensure progress is being made by:

Trustees should ensure that they make a positive and meaningful contribution to the board by: 

  • attending meetings (typically 3 full board meetings each year), reading papers and preparing questions for the senior executive leader in advance 
  • establishing and maintaining professional relationships with senior executive leaders and colleagues on the board of trustees 
  • getting to know schools within the trust, including visiting occasionally during school hours 
  • undertaking induction & annual training plus developing knowledge and skills on an ongoing basis
Being a Trustee of HMFA is not just an honour, but a profound privilege. It's a rewarding journey where every effort contributes to shaping the future generations, leaving an indelible mark on the trajectory of society. Having been a pupil at Lord Scudamore Primary School myself, the opportunity to give back is even more meaningful.
Mr L. Conod
A trustee


MATs are also required to have a group of Members who sit above the board of Trustees.  The Members have a hands-off, but significant, role.  They monitor the performance of the trust and hold the trustees to account.  They appoint Trustees and the Chief Executive Officer. They will intervene if the Trustees are not performing by making changes at board level. 

Sub Committees and Local Committees

Below the trust level, there are Committees of Finance, Audit & Risk and Pay Review.  In addition, each school within the MAT has its own Local Committee:  The Trustees are responsible for:- 

  • ensuring that the trust’s governance structure meets the needs of the trust  
  • agreeing clear schemes of delegation, outlining the responsibilities delegated to the senior executive leader and the responsibilities of the board and academy committees 
  • ensuring effective communication channels are in place 


Trustees should receive out of pocket expenses incurred as a result of fulfilling their role as trustee, HMFA has an expenses policy which is available on our website.

Get involved in HMFA

Thank you for taking the time to explore our website and find more out about our Academy Trust, Herefordshire Marches Federation of Academies. If you, like us, are inspired by what you have seen and would like to get involved, joining our Trust Board or local tiers of governance could be just the answer. 

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