What are Multi Academy Trusts?

What are Multi Academy Trusts?

What are Multi Academy Trusts?

What are Multi Academy Trusts?

What are Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs)?

MATs are a group of academy schools that are run in partnership with one another and exist outside of Local Authority control. MATs receive their funding directly from the Department for Education (DfE) and make their own financial decisions, which means they’re run more like businesses than maintained or Local Authority schools. 

MATs have a CEO and senior management team who oversee the top levels of all schools within the trust. 

What does a MAT governance structure look like?

MATs have a board of trustees who work at a top level and are accountable for all the schools within the trust.  

HMFA Trust has a Finance, Audit & Risk Committee and also a Pay Review committee which are made up of Trustees of The Board and committee members.

Trustees can delegate the day to day running of schools within the trust to Local Committees (LC’s). Each school in our MAT has their own LC which considers issues relevant to the individual school. 

Become a Trustee

Find out more about the role of a trustee and how you can become a trustee at HMFA

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